For some Unknown As Yet Reasons, my mac M1 running 12.6, has suddenly stopped connecting to le internets.
Mind you, it has not stopped connecting to the wireless router - it still sees our wireless network just fine (upon which ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLD COMPUTERS rely without trouble) - it just cannot connect to the greater world via that router.
Baffling to say the least.
Now, I am computer proficient and can do many things. I have done all the things that are the First Things one would do to solve this problem, to no avail. To my great fortune, I have live-in tech support of Highest Expertise who can tackle ridiculous intricate problems like this and he is about to do just that, bless him!
This has cost me a week's worth of audio art. Why? Because I am purchasing my audio editing program (Studio One 5) on an installment plan - and if it can't check in with the provider via internet RE the status of my license, it won't launch.
All of my audio, all of episode 7 of Dream the Rogue Planet, is SITTING THERE on my machine, and i cannot get to it to edit it.
This is driving me kinda nuts. It has perhaps caused me to make more Show Your Work videos than I might otherwise have made (though since I tend to do those upon waking as a way of getting my energy up to get out into the cold livingroom and edit audio, I'd probably do them anyway); but my frustration levels have remained high.
Over the past 18 months or so, I have gotten more and more streamlined in editing Rogue Planet episodes, to the point that it's conceivable that less complex episodes can be completed in just a couple of weeks.
she says, with a despairing laugh, as Res raises the bar ever higher because the reward for a job exceptionally done 😎 is AN EVEN HIGHER BAR FOR THE NEXT JOB 😭
And the loss of this week's worth of editing has poked my 'I'm not good at what I do,' button, despite not being my fault in any way shape or form. *shakes fist* Darn you extremely-helpful-really-appreciate-how-good-you-are technology!!
The spouse is on the job as I type though and, lord willin' and the river don't rise, the second serious assembly of episode 7 will take place this weekend.
...and if we can get my machine on the internet via hard-line for even a few minutes I'm buying that damn program outright so that even if I go offline because this problem persists (it's intermittent for some people and we don't know why, c'mon Apple, give us a garsh darn't patch gdi!), I'll be able to edit like the wind!
And thus has gone Ivy's week of audio artistry this blustery beautiful fall in Montana :)
ETA: The spouse DID IT!! and, for a sysadmin, it was about the 3rd 'obvious' thing he tried and he was like - oh, anyone would have gotten there pretty fast. And I was like, UM, THE ZILLION POSTS ON THE INTERNET BEGGING FOR HELP, BEG TO DIFFER.
He ran OnyX -- a common cruft-cleaner-upper program for MacOS -- rebooted - boom. internet restored.
Hope this is helpful to someone, if they stumble upon it :D
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